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Smart Solar
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan
Smart Roofing believes in renewable energy and in doing our part to sustain our planet. We believe our products and those we partner with will help make these systemic changes a reality.
Why Solar?
This very simple question prompts a response of additional questions. Our time on this planet we call home is precious. If we are not using our time to nurture and care for our planet, our home, then what are we doing? What example are we showing the younger generations? How do we expect others to follow if we don’t lead by example? We are living here right now, because right now our planet is living. To Smart Roofing, this is a philosophy. Our body, our mind and planet are all the same: What we put into it is what we get out of it. We want to be on the side of progress and positivity. What side do you want to be on?
Solar Benefits
PV systems are incredibly low maintenance, and they provide energy and cost savings monthly. Solar greatly reduces air pollution, which is the main contributor in climate change. Fossil fuels are very damaging to our environment.
Solar Tax Incentives
and energy buy back.
Great Warranties and Longevity
Our solar packages come with 25 year warranties on panels, battery backup and inverters. These systems are realistically 25-30 year applications.
Be Part of the Movement
Solar is currently at record low pricing to install and produce, yet it is at record high production for power and storage capabilities. The reality is that the technology will continue to improve over time. 5 years from now, the panels and batteries are projected to be even more efficient and affordable than they are now. But for anything to progress and innovate, there needs to be continued steady use of the technology. This usage will promote improvement of the product, as well as the infrastructure that surrounds it.
Why Solar and Roofing Together?
Asphalt shingle roofing in Wisconsin needs to be replaced every 25-30 years or so. Generally, it is best to install both at the same time. You will get the longest life out of both systems if done this way. The key is to install your panels, so you achieve the maximum amount of sunlight with as little shading as possible.
Green Initiatives Roofing and Solar
Smart Roofing partners with the best products in both fields, for their eco footprint and longevity. Smart Roofing installs asphalt shingles made of recycled tires and asphalt products. Which are made in a shingle plant that runs entirely on recycled methane gas that has been piped and pumped from dumps on the west coast. Smart Roofing recycles all asphalt shingles, metals and wood. The recycled shingles are then used in all local road construction projects.

Contact Us
4985 S Sunnyslope Rd
New Berlin, WI
Office: (414) 529-9549
Or text Dale directly:
(414) 882-1075
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday:
7AM to 7PM
Saturday and Sunday:
7AM to 7PM